Posts tagged 'Festivals'

FireDrums 2014 and San Francisco
January 3rd 2015, 5:22:00 pm

Way back in January at Poi Love Camp I'd asked Jonathan Alvarez what he thought the best flow festival was during them summer in the USA, and he told me he thought FireDrums was number one, so I put it in my calendar and mostly forgot about it. Much later I realised it was only a few weeks away, and decided to impulse buy a ticket, sort out some flights and get my self along to see it for myself.

Uvita, Costa Rica
July 29th 2014, 8:57:00 am

Next stop for me was a little town on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica called Uvita. I found a place online called Flutterby hostel and after getting dropped off by the bus I walked to the hostel, which actually turned out to be a reasonably long walk in very hot sun. When I arrived the girl behind the desk said it was pretty gutsy showing up with no reservation, but I was pleased to find they had a bed for me in their pirate tree-house dorm: one of the coolest dorms I've stayed in so far! The dorm doesn't really have any walls; it's pretty much open to nature and then every bed has a mozzie net. So chilled!